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封神:刺杀苏妲己 (2019)

2019/大陆/ 动作 奇幻



Yinshang final years,during the reign of Empress Daji, she ordered the extermination of the family of General Situ Ji, who posed a threat to her. In order to protect the only surviving heir of the family, loyalists such as Bi Gan, Jiang Ziya, Huang Feihong, and Boyi Kao hid the mother and son in the countryside and named the child Yun Yan. For ten years, these brave men risked their lives to attempt to assassinate Empress Daji, but failed every time. Empress Daji eventually discovered that Bi Gan and others were behind the assassination attempts. She imprisoned Jiang Ziya and persecuted Bi Gan. Before he died, Bi Gan found Yun Yan and hoped that he would eliminate the evil empress and fulfill his duty of saving the Shang Dynasty. However, Yun Yan had become a cynical, money-loving rascal at that time. Can he shoulder such a great responsibility? As the story unfolds, Yun Yan is gradually moved by the unyielding spirit of sacrifice of Bi Gan and others, and realizes the importance of being a hero and saving the people in distress. He embraces his destiny and accepts the challenge of protecting the people from the tyranny of Empress Daji.

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